Shadow was kept in the house at first and was shut in the kitchen. He would chew the rubber doorstop, even after Archie coated it in mustard.
He would also chew his basket to the point that only the base was left. He was moved to a kennel in the back garden and tethered with a leash
to an iron stake in the ground. One day, and out of sight fo Shadow, the dustman dropped the bin lid with a loud clatter. Shadow took off so
rapidly that he pulled the stake right out of the ground.
For spells during the day, Shadow was attached to a device called a Wanderlead. It was a length of cable tied betweem two trees with a short
leash on a pully. Shadow could then move about quite freely. However, he often chose to just belt from one end to the other, swinging round by
his neck when he got to each end.
He was quite docile with the children and allowed himself to be dressed up and played with. He caught distemper and died whilst being boarded
at some kennels when the family were away.