Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Certificates of

Archbald  William  SMITH

[Ref. R.21]



Music Certificates

The Associate Board of the Royal Academy of Music
and the Royal College of Music.

School Examinations Primary Division.


This is to Certify that at the School Examination held at London in 1919
Archbald W Smith Pupil of Miss H D Alvey was examined in Pianoforte
and satisfied the requirements of the Board.

The Associate Board of the Royal Academy of Music
and the Royal College of Music.

School Examinations Elementary Division.


This is to Certify that at the School Examination held at London in 1920
Archbald W Smith Pupil of Miss H D Alvey LRAM was examined in Pianoforte
and satisfied the requirements of the Board.

The Associate Board of the Royal Academy of Music
and the Royal College of Music.

School Examinations Lower Division.


This is to Certify that at the School Examination held at London in 1921
Archbald W Smith Pupil of Miss H D Alvey LRAM was examined in Pianoforte
and satisfied the requirements of the Board.

The London Musical Competition Festival

This Certificate with High Commendation is awarded to Archibald Smith
for Pianoforte Solos (10 years)

Date March 1920





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