Archbald William SMITH
[Ref. R.21]
Archbald William Smith was born onn 1 April 1909 at 26 Eardley Road, Streatham. His birth was registered by his father on 4r May in Streatham, being a sub-district of Wandsworth. He was baptised at St.Albans church in Streatham Park on 3 June the same year.
The census of 1911 shows the family at 11 Corsehill Street, Streatham. However, the family moved to 189 Mitcham Lane in Streatham. The census was taken in 1921 shows them there along with his mother's parents, Harvey and Agnes Harding. Archie can be seen standing on the left in this picture which was taken in the back garden of that house with older brother Harvey and younger sister Marie.
Archie was educated at St. Leonard's School between 1915 and 1921 and there are photographs of him in class during those years. He received a certificate on Empire Day in 1916 for his contribution in sending comfort to military personnel during the Geat War. He was also awarded four school certificates for good conduct and meritorious work have survived with other keepsakes during that period. His father was a school master at that school for his entire teaching career. A book titled Steps to the Writing of French Free Composition indicates that he was studying that subject.
Archie had connections with his parish church of St.Alban's in Streatham Park apart from having been baptised there. He received a certificate for examination passes in Religious Studies in 1918, 1919 and 1920. He sang in the choir and, in 1924, he was confirmed there.
He had an aptitude for music and took well to playing the piano, receiving certificates for passing joint exams of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of Music at primary level in 1919, at elementary level in 1920 and at lower level in 1921. He was also awarded a certificate of High Commendation at the London Music Competition Festival in 1920. He continued to play the piano for the his entire life.
It is believed that Archie completed his education at Streatham Grammar School.