Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Photographs of

Malcolm  Archbald  SMITH

[Ref. S.1]

Holiday Walk over Dartmoor Around Dartmoor Lydford Gorge


Holiday in Devon 1990

Bowerland Farm


The cottage


The cottage


In the garden James and William are talking to Hans


Malcolm's car is parked by the entrance to the farmyard


Tractors parked


Looking into the farmyard from the cottage


Looking into the farmyard from the cottage with the owners house on the right


James inspects a horse in the stable


Cow and calf


The cow herd


Walking the cows to pasture


A paddock


Old railway bridge on the farm


Hans and the boys inspect the remains of the former railway line


Hans and the boys inspect the remains of the former railway line


James on the former railway line


Sunset at Bowerland



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