Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Photographs of

Walter  Joseph  Leighton  PARSONS

[Ref. R.8]

Biography Children

Family and relations circa 1909.   [More]
Some brothers and sisters circa 1910.   [More]
In the garden at Oxford Street circa 1912.   [More]
In Abercromby Gardens circa 1914.   [More]
Walter with his mother.   [More]
In the garden at Catherine Street circa 1930.   [More]
Walter circa 1930.   [More]
House party circa 1930.   [More]
Dance group circa 1932.   [More]
Canada in 1937.   [More]
Two Parsons families in Canada in 1943.   [More]
Visit by Walter's sister and mother in 1948.   [More]
St. Eustache choral society in 1951.   [More]


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