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1st Battalion The York & Lancaster Regt.

Vol. 2    page 42


5. The Officers Comanding at D.2.and U will report to the O.C.East Yorkshire Regt. at Battalion Headquarters.

The Officers Commanding at TUILERIE will be responsible for the forwarding of rations, stores, etc. to the Headquarters of Bns. in the trenches. The remainder of 2nd Bn. The Kings Own Regt. will remain in the Infantry Barracks YPRES.

6. The O.C.York & Lancaster Regt. will detail 2 Companies to proceed via PORTE DE LILLE to BLAUWE POORT FARM. Guides will meet these Companies at the Guard Room, Infantry Barracks at 6.45 pm. The Officer Commanding at BLAUWE POORT will be responsible for the forwarding of stores, rations, etc. to Battalio Headquarters at Right Section. He will find a guard of 1 NCO and 6 men to report to Brigade Headqarters. This guard will mount at 9 pm. Headquarters and 2 Companies York & Lancaster Regt. will remain at Infantry Barracks, YPRES.

7. The two Companies The Kings Own Regt. and 2 Companies The York & Lancaster Regt. will draw one days rations and two sand bags per man. Each man will carry 1 bandalier amunition. Sufficient S.A.A. Carts to carry two boxes per platoon will go with the Companies to TUILERIE and Brigade Headquarters respectively from which places the boxes will be carried.

8. Trench Battalions
The Right Sectoin now held by the Cheshire Regt. will be relieved by the 1st Bn, K.O.Y.L.I. less 1 Company.
The Left Section now held by the Northumberland Fusiliers will be relieved by the East Yorkshire Regt. with 1 Company K.O.Y.L.I.

9 Starting point - H square 14 B.57 at 5.45 pm.
Order of march
2nd Bn. East Yorkshire Regt.
1st Bn. K.O.Y.L.I. [P.T.O.]