Vol. 2 page 18
11.15 18.2.15 VERBRANDEN MOLEN
The following message was sent to the O.C. B Coy (Q trench), "The artillery are going to try to demolish the house where the observation officer says he thinks he has located the Enemy's mortar a.a.a at 8.45 am tomorrow morning. You will clear the right end of Q trench for 50 or 60 yards keeping the men to the left. The artillery will open fire at 9 am". -
The same message was sent to the O.C. "C" Company, telling him to clear the men in P2 trench to the right. -
11 pm 19.2.15 "
The following Report was received from the O.C. A Company who was with the left section. - "2nd Lieut FOLKER killed, he crept down an old sap near S1 and was poisoned by foul air. -
2 am 20.2.15 "
Nothing to report to Brigade head quarters all quiet. -
5.20 am 20.2.15 "
Nothing to report to Brigade head quarters all quiet. -
8 am 20.2.15 "
Statement of casualties received by the Battalion during the previous 24 hours was, Officer killed 2nd Lieut E. R. FAULKER other ...