Vol. 2 page 17
11.35 18.2.15 VERBRANDEN MOLEN
All was Reported quiet to Brigade headquarters. -
12 mid night 18.2.15 to 19.2.15 "
Company Commanders reported that during the previous 24 hours, the following work had to be done. Improving parapits, communication trenches, and damage. -
2 am 19.2.15 "
All was Reported quiet to Brigade headquarters. -
8 am 19.2.15 "
Casualties of the Battalion, excluding A Company during the previous 24 hours were, officers killed J. K. MATHER, wounded Lieuts H. F. LITCHFIELD and N. B. LETHBRIDGE. Other ranks killed 1 wounded 11 missing none. -
[See appendix No. 4]
10.5 am 19.2.15 "
The following message regarding work done was Reported to Birgade hdqtrs. P1 & P2 trenches parapits all repaired with sandbags, communication trench drained. - Q trench repair of parapit and putting out wire entanglement. R1 & R2 repair to parapit and improvement of drains. -
9 am 19.2.15 "
Nothing to report to Brigade head quarters all quiet. -
11.30 am 19.2.15 "
Nothing to report to Brigade head quarters all quiet. -
2.30 pm 19.2.15 "
Orders were received to the effect that the Battalion would remain in the trenches for another day. -
5.30 pm 19.2.15 "
Nothing to report to Brigade head quarters all quiet. -
Between daybreak and sunset the trenches were shelled at intervals. -
During the afternoon the parapit of Q trench was again knocked down