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1st Battalion The York & Lancaster Regt.

Vol. 2    page 2




In the trench held by "A" Company there was a good deal of water. -

The Germans had made a sap up towards the right of our trench
[See appendix No.1 R]

The trenches were for the most part not connected and consequently communication was very difficult by night owing to the country not being known and impossible by day. - Two telephones only the available with the communication was established with "A" Company, but none of the others could be found, also it was known from the French that B, C & D Companies had taken ones from them. -

The remainder of the night and day passed quietly. -

[Casualties from taking over to 8am 2nd were nil. -]

It commenced to rain at daybreak on 2nd, this made the trenches very uncomfortable, especially those occupied by A Company. During the night about 40 large and small facines were brought up to A Company by the Battalion in reserve. These were used for the men to stand in. -

During the night communication was established with "B" Company by telephone and with the remainder by orderly. -