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1st Battalion The York & Lancaster Regt.

Vol. 2    page 1




2.30 pm     1.2.15     METEREN
The Battalion left METEREN in 38 motor busses and arrived at VLAMERTINGHE at 7.30pm. - At 7.45pm news were received that the KINGS OWN YORKSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY and 1st YORK & LANCASTER REGT would relieve the "French" 62nd Infantry Brigade, from the trenches to right. - [Lieut. C. K. CHAMIER & 2nd Lieut. E. H. TAYLER were left in hospital in METEREN]

10.30 pm     1.2.15     YPRES
The Battn left VLAMERTINGHE at 9.30pm and marched to YPRES. - The Battn. arrived at the PONT DE LILLE, YPRES at 10.30pm. - Here ammunition, tools and trench stores were drawn. - The Battn. Marched off by Companies to take over from the French, guides being provided by the French. - Nothing of importance took place during the Relief which was completed by 2.30am. -
[See APPENDIX No.1 for position of Companies Etc.]

2.30 am     2.2.15     ST. ELOI

Description of trenches

1. The position of our trenches was on the reverse of a hill running from almost from ST. ELOI village on the right, to the canal on the left. -
    [See appendix No.1]

2. On the whole the state of the trenches was bad, those of B, C & D Companies being the best, those occupied by "A" Company were bad,
    the parapet being very low and not bullet proof on top