Schooldays of Malcolm Archbald SMITH
[Ref. S.1]
Worksop College
School shooting team
Whilst in the cadets, it transpired that Malcolm was a good shot. The school had an indoor range where .22 rifles were used, however, .303 rifles were used outdoors for competitions. In the indeer range there was static target shooting also rapid and snap shots. Rapid was where five shots were fired with three seconds to load and two seconds to fire. Snap was where the target popped up and you had three seconds to aim and fire. On the outdoor range shooting was generally on a 200 yard range and occasionally on 500 yards.
Malcolm gained his Marksman badge for which he had to score in excess of 90 points out of a possible 110. He had a place in the school shooting team in 1957. Ear protectors or plugs were not worn, consequently Malcolm suffered from tinitus in later life.
In 1958, Malcolm was in the school team that shot in the National Rifle Association Public Schools Championships at Bisley. Besides competing on the range he tried firing a .38 pistol which he found difficult. He also had a go with a 12 bore shotgun but was not very accurate. Being at Bisley was rather fun as his home was only a few miles away and he remembers taking his team mates to the local pub one evening only to be told that he was underage. The indignity was that he was the only one in the group who was actually over the correct age! Despite being close to home he was not able to make a visit.
Malcolm in CCF uniform in the prone shooting position
A target showing good grouping by Malcolm in the indoor range
Report for the Summer term 1955
Report for the Lent term 1956
Report for the Summer term 1956
Report for the Christmas term 1956
Report for the Lent term 1957
Report for the Summer term 1957
Report for the Christmas term 1957
Report for the Summer term 1958
Report for the Christmas term 1958
A group of five shots from a .22 rifle in the school indoor 33yd range.
The school shooting team 1957
The 1957 Shooting team shield displayed in the school corridor
The National Rifle Association tie that Malcolm was entitled to wear having shot at Bisley
Match results recorded in The Worksopian gazette
Report for the Lent term 1955
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