Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Biographt of

Archbald  William  SMITH

[Ref. R.21]



During the late 1930's, Archie went sailing. Not much is known about the yacht except that it was called "Westwind"
and sailed from Lymington, Yarmouth or Cowes. The skipper was known as 'The Dutchman' and the trips were probably
arranged through a contact of Archie's employer, Arthur Aman. Below are some pictures of one voyage.

Pictures of another voyage can be seen here.

The Dutchman with Arthur AmanThe Dutchman with Arthur Aman at the wheel
The Dutchman with Arthur AmanArchie at the helm
The Dutchman on lookoutA view of the yacht
View of the yacht
View of the yacht
Sailing north of The Needles
Sailing past Hurst Castle


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