Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Vehicles of

Malcolm  Archbald  SMITH

[Ref. S.1]



Ford Focus Flight 1600

Registration number HN 52 YDT

Photo Story Registration document



This car had belonged to and been cherished by Malcolm's son James. It came to Malcolm by way of a three-way deal with James and his wife Rachel. Rachel wanted a new car so James took her Skoda Estate and gave his Ford Focus to Malcolm. Malcom gave his Escort to Rachel to trade in for the Fiat 500 that she purchased.

This car was greatly appreciated by Malcolm and his wife Brenda. It was roomy, comfortable and drove well. Unfortunatley, the car was damaged in a collision which bent the underframe. It remained safe enough in the short term, but Malcolm disposed of it in part exchange for a specialist vehicle to take Brenda's wheelchair.


This is the registration document at the time of handover to Malcolm.
The date happens to be Malcolm's 73rd birthday.


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