Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Vehicles of

Malcolm  Archbald  SMITH

[Ref. S.1]



Ford Escort Encore

Registration number J 334 KDL

Photos Story Documents


The Escort parked in the driveway next to Brenda's car.


Malcolm did not consider that this car was particularly special and he was not too keen to buy it, not least because he did not like Ford vehicles, but it served well and without the need for attention.

Whilst Malcolm had this car, he had to make journeys during the early hours and often in poor conditions. Once a week or so, he had to leave home at 4am to drive to Andover and, in winter it was too early for the gritters to have been out and driving conditions could be quite tricky. On one particular morning, he had just got ont a dual carriageway in snow and ice and judged it safe to overtake a lorry in front. As he got alongside it, his car hit something with a loud banf and the car shuddered. Malcolm pulled up in front of th elorry which had also stopped. It transpired to have been a badger which had previously been hit and was laying in the road.

Another day he had a journey that took him along little lanes beyond Salisbury on a day when there had been persistent torrential rain. He had to turn back several times due to flooding but eventually managed to ford enough of the to reach his destination.

Despite the car never performing badly, Malcolm never felt comfortable in it, in some part because he had been used to larger vehicles.


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