Schools of Malcolm Archbald SMITH
[Ref. S.1]
Worksop College
The masters listed below for 1954 would be those that were at the school when Malcolm first arrived.
Not all masters had a nickname, but those that Malcolm could remember were as follows :
- R J Northcote-Green was called "The Nog", being an acronym for his surname. All future headmasters would carry this title.
- C F W Mackie was known as "Chong", goodness knows why.
- A de M Beanland was inevitably referred to as "The Bean".
- Mrs B Beanland was known by her first name Beryl.
- D R G Thoday, being a biology teacher, had the nickname of "Bugs".
- W B Rigg was called "Morty" being a play on words from Rigor Mortis.
- G E Sibley was simply called by his first name George. He would often start a recollection by saying in his deep voice "When I was in China ...".
- G T W Crawhall was known as "Jackie".
- T W Atkinson was given the nickname of "Crow", probably because of the pitch of his voice.
- J F Coglan was simply known as "Coggy".
- J E Ricketts was called "Jerry" by virtue of his initials J E R.
- R R Winn was inexplicably known as "Droopy".
- G Wilson had the nickname "Toady" because his stature and flamboyant waistcoats reminded one of Mr Toad of Toad Hall.
- F G W Philips was just known as "Freddie".
- J Butterfield was known by his name Jeff.
Other masters who joined the school whilst Malcolm was there also attracted nicknames.
- J N Quin who came to Worksop in 1955 was known as "Ricky".
- P G Walder who joined the school in 1957 became known as "Beetle" as he assisted with biology lessons.
Mr Mackie taught Latin and Malcolm was a pupil of his when in the fifth form. Mr Mackie had his own individual way of administering punishment for minor offences during class. The word "out" would be addressed to the offender who would have to go to the front of the class and hold out a hand palm downwards. The bony back of the hand would then be struck with thin edge of a ruler a number of times according to the severity of the offence. Such an event was known as 'an outing', and the class would keep a tally in the back of their exercise books.
Mr Adams had a very easy signature to replicate which was used by some boys to obtain a new exercise book for their own purposes. Once a book had been filled, the subject teacher would sign the back of it so it could be presented at the stationery store for a replacement.
Mr Philips was a former marine and prone to the occasional dramatic action. Malcolm was in his class one day whilst in the V form when there was a disturbance outside that was distracting the class. Freddie flung his jacket off and jumped through the open window to attend to the matter. Perhaps he forgot that there was quite a drop because there was a thud followed by a short silence before he was heard to move off. He returned through the door a few minutes later trying to look casual but with a wry smile of triumph on his face.
List of staff for Christmas Term 1954
Master's Common Room 1955
Worksop College masters 1957
List of staff for Christmas Term 1957
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