
This is the actual dormitory that Malcolm slept in and the windows in view look out into the quadrangle. The boy's beds were set out in order of seniority with a house prefect at the end of a row. The House Captain slept at the back in the centre of this photo with a senior House Prefect the opposite side. This dorm accommodated all of School House and it was located on the first floor of the South front in between the library and chapel. The doors on the left lead to the bathroom which is in the photo below.

Silence was expected after lights out and the only reason to get out of bed would to visit the toilet just outside the dormitory door at the chapel end. The other end of the dormitory was the bathroom accessed through the doors seen in this photo and from there a door led into the library. The prefects were allowed to go to bed after the others and would usually treat themselves to a bath every night. This sometimes could get noisy leading to complaints by those trying to get to sleep. The masters would sometimes try to catch boys talking or misbehaving by listening outside the doors. One night, the housemaster put the lights out then opened the door and shut it again but quietly remained inside thinking he had not been noticed, but he had. There was a pause for a few monents eventually broken by an anonymous boy's voice saying "Good night Sir" after which the master left without comment. One master started checking on the dormitory by creeping through the library to the bathroom and quiety turning the door knob to enter unnoticed. However, the boys soon cottoned on to this and set a trap of balancing a penny coin on the inside of the library door so that when the knob was turned, the penny would drop onto the tiled floor with a clatter. One principal reason for being alert to the master was that the boys would listen to the Top 20 on Radio Luxemburg between 11 and 12 on Sunday nights. They did get caught one night but the boy controlling the radio gently turned the volume down rather that snap it off. Some of the boys found that the tiled floor was an ideal surface to play hockey with a bar of soap.

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