Biography of Malcolm Archbald SMITH
[Ref. S.1]
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Section F : Natural History
Malcolm was interested in nature from a very young age but took a proper interest in natural history about the time he became a teenager. Like many boys of his age, he started to collect birds eggs, something that was not illegal in those days. His interest extended into all aspects of the natural world and he accumulated a good collection of finds, ranging trough pressed flowers and grasses, fir cones, animal bones, sea shells, rocks and fossils. It was an ultimate ambition to have some sort of small museum with proper display cabinets but, of course, lack of available space would prevent this. He did nearly manage to aquire some cabinets from a drapers shop that was being stripped out but was unable to find anywhere to put them. During his teens and twenties, Malcolm made a point of learning more about flora and fauna whilst out walking, looking up information as each new item was seen. He made some paintings of leaves of British Trees, using poster paint on glossy paper, which turned out remarkably well, but they were lost in later years. He also became especially interested in grasses and started a collection of pressed examples.