Biography of Malcolm Archbald Smith - employment - Midland Bank leisure activities

Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Biography of

Malcolm  Archbald  SMITH

[Ref. S.1]



Leisure activities at Midland Bank

There was a reasonably good social side to the Bank but also some fun that took place. There was always a party in the office at Christmas but those were usually fairly muted due to consideration to drinking and driving. There were also the annual Christmas dinner held at a local venue.

At a Christmas dinner early in Malcolm's time at the bank, there was a disco being run by a pushy man to whom Malcolm took a dislike. The men were being urged to take off their dinner jackets but Malcolm was disinclined as it was hiding the fact that his trousers had been let out so far that there was a deep Vee down the back seem. It nearly came to blows but Malcolm won out.

Another Christmas dinner took the form of a Medaeval dinner at Beaulieu Abbey for which everyone went in fancy dress.

Later on in Malcolm's time at the bank, it fell to him to take his team out for Christmas lunch. On one occasion, he had made all the arrangements and cleared it with his managers but shortly before they were due to go out, all the managers announced that they were leaving the office and that he had to remain behind. Malcolm deeply suspected that this was a deliberate act but he could not challenge it so his team went by themselves, bringing food and wine back for him afterwards. The following year, the unpopular manager decided to accompany Malcolm and his team and totally killed the jovial atmosphere.

There were the occasional events whereby Malcolm and some colleagues would be entertained by a contractor. Malcolm was invited to attend Henley Regatta but declined and later regretted not having experienced the event. The same company later took Malcolm and his manager to the formula 1 qualifying day at Siverstone motor racing circuit.

In April 1988, arrangements were made for a weekend in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight where one of the team co-owned an hotel. Arrival on Friday was great and declined into drinking B52 cocktails which resulted in heavy heads in the morning. Saturday was cold, damp and miserable and Malcolm and Brenda spent some time in the hothouse at Ventnor Botanic Gardens in an attempt to keep warm. That evening was quite subdued due to the excesses the previous night but threy all went to a neighbouring hotel and held a series of competitions in their games room. On Sunday, Malcolm and Brenda went to visit the in-laws of their niece and were pleased to be sat in front of a lovely open fire.

10 March 1989 saw Malcolm and some of his team dress up for Red Nose Day. At another Red Nose day, a small team made themselves available to carry out a 'hit' on a member of staff for a fee. Someone in Malcolm's office arranged for the little liked manager to be tied up. The team swooped in and carried out the deed, wrapping packing tape around him securing him to his chair, then left. People in the office were quite slow in going to free him.

Another event put on in the office was a boxer shorts contest. Participants were to dress up but with boxer shorts on display and there were some very good ideas. Malcolm did not possess boxer shorts but was offered a giant baby's nappy as a prank. He wore it and, to comments of not being in the spirit of the idea, won the contest.

Malcolm reached his 50th birthday in November 1990 and his colleague Colin arranged a surprise party for him. Colin had been in touch with Malcolm's wife to make the arrangements also accumulate some photographs and anecdotes for the occasion. Malcolm's manager had bee briefed to say that she had arranged a dinner for her team and that Malcolm must attend which, after protestation, he agreed to do. Colleague Ian arranged to take Malcolm back to his home so they could get ready. On arrival at the restaurant, Malcolm was ushered in but did not realise immediately what was going on. He saw Colin bustling around so asked if he was working there in the evening. He looked up then saw some colleages sat together at a table and next he saw his wife and younger son William and twigged what was happening. Thereafter it was a fun evening of eating and talking but with a highlight of a presentation in the form of the TV show "This is your Life" with photos projected onto a screen, all designed to be embarrasing.


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