Biography of Alma Gladys SMITH
[Ref. R.409]
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Alma Gladys Smith was born on 24 December 1917 in Dartford, Kent, one of the six children of William and Lillian Smith.
At the time of the census in 1921, the family were living in The Bungalow in Lowfield Road in Dartford.
According to the 1939 register Alma was living at 129 Langley Way in Beckenham, Kent,which was the home of her sister Edith and her family.
On 15 May 1948, Alma married Alfred George Dryden. The marriage certificate states her name as 'Alma Gladys Conway otherwise Smith' but no evidence of her having married previously has been found. Their son Geoffrey J was born in 1957.
It would appear that Alma and Arthur later emigrated to Canada as both their deaths were recorded at Brampton in the Peel region of Ontario province. Alma passed away on 5 July 2008 and Arthur on 14 August 2017.