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The balls were held on a Friday so on both occasions Brenda got prepared at work with her colleagues helping with her makeup. After the ball, Malcolm drove her directly back to work and she had to get through the day as best she could.
1963 - Drinks in Mick's room. Brenda has her bridesmaid dress she wore for her sister's wedding
1963 - The manly legs protruding from underneath the girls skirt has made everyone laugh.
The merriment has undoubtedly been boosted by the champagne.
1964 - Brenda with Malcolm. Brenda is wearing a dress that she made herself with
a Vogue pattern. She said that it had many panels and was quite complicated to make.
She is also wearing a switch in her hair which one of her colleagues at the hairdressers had given her.
1964 - At the table with Brenda's sister-in-law Meriel Parsons
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