Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Keepsakes of

Charles  Marcus  PARSONS

[Ref. R.7]


Marcus had a number of hobbies. He had inherited an interest for photography from his father. He had developed an interest in Radio from his occupation. He also loved tinkering with cars. His keepsakes relate to some of these hobbies.


This box was handmade by Marcus from the tinplate that he used for making carcasses for his radios. It is 8" long x 5" wide x 5" high and has been cut, folded and rivetted and the lid presses on in the same fashion as a biscuit tin. It was made as a 'Glory Box' in which to keep important documents.
This is a cardboard box in which radio components were delivered to Marcus at home. The label is addressed to 'The Radio Service Dept' at his home address. Marcus had purchased the goods purporting to be a business, either to be able to get a cheaper price or perhaps to be able to purchase items which were only available within the trade. This box is now used to store the collection of his photographs.

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