Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Photograph Collection of

Daniel  Walter  PARSONS

[Ref. Q.31]

Photos front page Sundry Photos

Index of photo sets

Prints have been taken from all the negatives and compiled into chronological sets according to the perceived dates.


  1.   Unknown persons
  2.   Parsons familyCirca 1902
  3.   Parsons and Lovelady familiesCirca 1906-1910
  4.   Parsons family and othersCirca 1914
  5.   Daniel Parsons and others
  6.   Daniel and Lillian ParsonsCirca 1915
  7.   Parsons family membersCirca 1923
  8.   Tennis party and Liverpool street scenes
  9.   Parsons family, relatives and friendsCirca 1920-1924
  10.   Parsons family, relatives and friendsCirca 1930
  11.   Summer house at Catharine Street, Liverpool
  12.   Dancing partnersCirca 1932


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