Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Biography of

Sydney  Newton  FOLKER

[Ref. Q.5]

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Title : The English Rose
Writer : Adapted by Paul Rooff from an original play by Robert Buchanan & George R.Sims
Production : British Standard Film Productions Ltd.
Producer : John Robyns
Director : Fred Paul
Studios : Barker's Studios, Ealing
Released : December 1920
Distributor : Whincup
Cast : Fred Paul as Father Michael
Humberston Wright as Captain MacDonnell
Sydney Folker as Harry O'Malley
Mary Morton
Jack Raymond
Amy Brandon Thomas as Rose Kingston
George Turner
Clifford Desborough
Storyline : Harry O’Malley is obliged to sell his ancestral home, which is bought by Sir Philip Kingston, a self-made man, with a beautiful daughter,
Rose, with whom Harry falls in love. Captain MacDonnell, Sir Philip’s secretary, hopes to marry Rose in order to cover up his own defalcations.
Sir Philip discovers his true character and dismisses him. MacDonnell shoots Sir Philip, and contrives to implicate Harry, who is arrested and found guilty
by the Coroner’s Jury. MacDonnell’s accomplice makes a confession, which clears Harry. MacDonnell is arrested, and the young lovers are united.
Information : Background information in The Bioscope - 19 February 1920
Background information in Kinematograph Weekly - 26 February 1920
Background information in The Bioscope - 18 March 1920
British Standard Films evolution in Kinematograph Weekly - 1 April 1920
Background information in The Bioscope - 10 April 1920
Advertisement in Kinematograph Weekly - 15 April 1920
Cast details in The Bioscope - 1 July 1920
Notes : First film by newly formed British Standard Films.
Film length 6,000 feet.
Release date given as 17 March 1924 in Kinematograph Weekly - 28 February 1924.
Release date given as 17 March 1924 in Kinematograph Weekly - 6 March 1924.


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