Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Biography of

Sydney  Newton  FOLKER

[Ref. Q.5]

List of films




Title : The Notorious Mrs.Carrick
Writer : Adapted by Charles Proctor from the serial in The Daily Mail
Production : Stoll Pictures
Producer :
Director : George Ridgwell
Studios : Cricklewood Studios
Released : 1924
Distributor : Stoll Pictures
Cast : Disa as Sybil Tregarthen
Peggy Lynn as Honor Tregarthen
A B Imerson as Tony Tregarthen
Sydney Folker as David Arman
Arthur Lumley as Owen Lawson
Cameron Carr as David Carrick
Gordon Hopkirk as Gerald Rosario
Jack Denton as Allen Richards
Basil Saunders as Inspector Samson
Storyline : Tony Tregarthen's wife Sybil is recognised as Mrs Carrick. She confesses her past to her stepdaughter Honor. She had figured publicly when her
former husband Carrick divorced her because she was found in the rooms of Gerald Rosario, who was accidentally shot. Sybil dare not tell her
present husband of her identity, but when Carrick meets Tregarthen and dines with them, she is embarrassed and terror-struck, confiding also
in Honor's fiance Armour. Honor goes to Carrick's flat to plead his silence on her stepmother's behalf. Carrick is later found murdered, and Sybil
arrested, but the arrival of a wireless engineer, who in Rumania heard Honor's struggle in self-defence with Carrick, smooths things out.
Information : Notes and cast list in Shields Daily Gazette of 26 April 1924
Filming on location in Wales in Kinematograph Weekly of 8 May 1924
Title renamed in Kinematograph Weekly of 29 May 1924
Cast list in Kinematograph Weekly of 17 July 1924
Storyline, comments and photograph in Kinematograph Weekly of 24 July 1924
Story outline and cast list in Shetland Times of 4 July 1925
Notes : Original title "The Pools of the Past" was renamed "The Notorious Mrs.Carrick" before release.
An original script of "The Pools of the Past" which had been in the possession of Sydney's descendants is to be donated to the BFI archive.
Film length 4,550 feet.


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