Malcolm Smith's Family History Archive

Biography of

Sydney  Newton  FOLKER

[Ref. Q.5]



Brentham Players

Index of newspaper reports Brentham Society archive

Sydney and his family appear to have moved to the Brentham Garden Suburb around 1915. According to reports in local neswpapers and The Brentham Magazine, they became involved with the Brentham Players in the latter part of that year. Their opening performance that year, being three plays produced by Sydney, was held in the large hall of Brentham Institute on 4 December 1915. The first was a comedy titled The Great Look in which Sydney played the part of a mundane husband who did not appreciate the talents of his wife. Next was a comedietta titled The Duchess of Bayswater and Co. Lastly was a dramatic piece titled An Object Lesson in which Sydney reportedly gave an intense performance. The Middlesex County Times reported that Sydney's wife Vera also performed on stage but the Brentham Magazine made no mention of her.

On 22 January and again on 26 February, Vera Folker played several parts in the Brentham Players performances. On 9 March, also in the Brentham Institute, Sydney gave a recital of some of Charles Dicken's works, Vera also taking some parts.

On Thursday 9 March 1916, Sydney and Vera jointly gave a recital of some of Charles Dicken's work. The recital was held in the institute and the size of the audience was described as 'meagre, but enthusiastic'. On 18 March Sydney gave a further Dicken's recital at Brentham in connection with the Choral Society concert in aid of Ealing Hospital.

On 19 May 1917, Sydney and Vera's daughter Doady appeared on stage in a concert with the Molly Duncan dance school.

There follows a period of three and a half years during which the Dramatic Society was inactive but at a meeting on 29 September 1919, it was decided to re-establish the Brentham Players. Sydney agreed to offer his services and advice as producer. A reunion of ex-servicemen was held at the Institute on 14 November 1919, during which sergeant Sydney Folker contributed to the entertainment.

The Ealing Gazette of 3 April 1920 reported on the fourth and final performance of the Brentham Players rendition of the four act play 'Sunday' in which Vera Folker played a number of parts. After the curtain had come down, Sydney, as producer, was presented with a silver-topped walking stick. Sydney was still the producer when the Brentham Players started their sixth season on 23 October 1920, with three short pays. Once again, Vera was on stage playing leading roles. The second performance took place on 4 December.

Thereafter there are no reports of Sydney or Vera participating in Brentham theatricals. He was involved with the film industry, so it is likely that was taking more of his time.


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