Vol. 2 page 50
Brigadier General R.C.Boyle
Commanding 83rd Infantry Brigade
19th February 1915
1. The Brigade will be disposed as under tonight :-
Right Section | Commander - Lt.Col. A.G.Burt 1st York & Lancaster Regt. |
Fire trenches | York & Lancaster Regt. and 3 machine guns |
Support " | (P.3.) in rear of P.1. 1/2 Coy K Own Regt. |
Left Section | Commander - Lt.Col G.R.Ingram-Brooke |
Fire trenches | S.1. and part of S.2. - 1 Coy York & Lancaster Regt. |
Part of S.2. A.1. & B.1. - 2½ Cos E.Yorks & 2 machine guns | |
B.2. - Kings Own (number of men to be detailed by O.C. K.O. Regt.) | |
B.3. D.1. - 2 Cos K.O.Y.L.I. and 3 M.G. (One of which to be on right of B.3.) | |
Support trenches | U & A.2. - 1 Coy K.O.Y.L.I. |
D,2, - ½ Coy E.Yorks | |
BLAUWERPOORT FARM | Remainder of Kings Own under O.C. Kings Own |
TUILERIE | 1 Coy. K.O.Y.L.I. & 1 Coy E. Yorks under Maj. H.W.Powell E.Yorks Regt. |
2. The K.O. Regt. in part of S.2. and A.1. and B.1. will send 2 guides per Coy to meet the Detatchment E.Yorkshire Regt. at U trench and TUILERIE respectively at 6 pm.
The Kings Own Regt. in B.3. and the K.O.Y.L.I. now in C.1 - D.1 will send 2 guides per Coy to meet the 2 relieving Cos K.O.Y.L.I. at TUILERIE at 8 pm.