Vol. 2 page 45
Brigadier General R.C.Boyle
Commanding 83rd Infantry Brigade
Bde. Headquarters
12th February 1915
Reference Map - Belgium sheet 1/40000
1. The Battalions in the trenches will be relieved as follows :-
1st K.O.Y.L.I. less 1 Company by The York & Lancaster Regt. less 1 Coy.
East Yorkshire Regt. with 1 Coy K.O.Y.L.I. by the Kings Own with 1 Coy. Yoark & Lancasters.
2. Hd Qrs and 1 Coy. York & Lancasters will march at 7 pm to BLAUWEPOORT FARM via PORT DE LILLE.
Two Coys Kings Own with 1 Coy York & Lancasters will march at 8 pm to TUILERRIE & report to O.C. Kings Own.
From TUILERIE and BLAUWEPOORT FARM The Kings Own with 1 Coy York & Lancasters and the York & Lancasters less 1 Coy will be guided to Hd. Qrs. of Battalions where they will be met by guides to guide them to the trenches.
3. The Garrison of the Kings Own in U will join it's Company as it passes.
(a) Two guides to BLAUERPOORT FARM at 8.30 pm to guide York & Lancasters to Bn. Hd. Qrs.
(b) Two guides from each of their 3 Companies W. of the Railway to be at Bn. Hd. Qrs. at 8.45 pm to conduct 3 Cos York & Lancasters to the trenches.
The East Yorks will send the following guides :-
(a) Two guides to TUILERIE to guide Kings Own and one Coy Y&L to Bn Hdqrs at 9.15 pm.