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1st Battalion The York & Lancaster Regt.

Vol. 2    page 4


2 am to 3 am     4.2.15     YPRES
The Battn rested until 3pm when orders were received that the Battn would hold itself in readiness to leave the Infantry Barracks at 5p and take up a position in the Reserve trenches, running from FERME to the CHATEAU LANKHOF. -
[For position of Reserve trenches see appendix No.2]

At 4.15pm orders were received to move the Battalion immediately to Brigade head quarters & on arrival there orders would be received. - The Battn did not leave YPRES until 4.30pm, the issue of rations causing a certain amount of delay. -

On arrival at Brigade head quarters, orders were received to occupy the Reserve trenches running from LA FERME MAURICE to CHATEAU LANKHOF with 3 Companies and to send one company to the head quarters of the East Yorkshire Regt at LA FERME ST MAURICE. D Company under Captain Wedgwood was sent to the East Yorkshire Regt., A, B & C Companies being holding the reserve trenches. -
[For disposition of Companies see APPENDIX No.2]

It was ascertained on arrival at the head quarters, East Yorkshire Regt, that the Germans had captured the position of a trench and two machine guns from the East Yorkshires. -