Vol. I page 3
28th January 1915 METEREN
Captain M J East and Lieut. L E H Judkins, were sent to the trenches for one night, the former with the Royal Irish Fusiliers, the latter with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps. -
The Brigade was inspected by the Commanding-in-chief of the British Army in the field. -
29th January 1915 near YPRES
Captain E S Bamford went to see the trenches to be taken over by the Battalion. -
30th January 1915 near YPRES
Lieuts. H G Gauntlett, H F Litchfield, L B Lethbridge, J K Mather & 2/lt H C M Howard with four Company Sgt Majors went to see the trenches to be taken over by the Battalion. -
7.45 pm 31st January 1915 METEREN
The transport of the Battalion with 140 2CO's and men under the Company of Lieut. L E H Judkins left METEREN for VLAMERTINGHE. -
5 pm 31st January 1915 METEREN
The Battalion received orders to leave METEREN by motor busses for VLAMERTINGHE on 1st February 1915.